What You Miss When You Aren’t There By Raymond Lanzafame, M.D. Besides the fact that almost every state requires that physicians complete CME credits for maintenance of your medical license (as well as board certification), actually showing up for a national medical conference is really critical for your career, whether you have many years of […]
March 2017
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How to successfully open a private practice
by Linda Girgis, MD, FAAFP Many consider private practice a way of the past. Truth bears this out when we see the large number of doctors selling their practices to hospitals and large healthcare systems. And the overall healthcare system suffers because of this. In the current environment, the thought of starting a practice provokes […]
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The Cost of Dismissing Patient Pain
By Dr. Bradley Carpentier April 11, 2016 Pain is something every physician is familiar with. It comes in many varieties. There is the pain of late night calls, the pain of angry patients, the pain of poor outcomes and the pain of dealing with billing and reimbursement for your hard work. It is normal to […]
By Deb McClanahan Principal, BroadBand HR Consulting January 23, 2017 While we know you don’t always have full control over who is on your team, here are some basics to think about in selection and hiring. It used to be that you were the master of your domain as a surgeon. You got to make […]
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How to Promote Growth through Innovation
By Melissa Cleveland, Strategic Marketing Manager, W.O.M. World of Medicine USA, Inc. Innovation seems to be the “buzz word” in boardrooms across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. So what are the important elements of innovation and why is it critical for company growth? For W.O.M., with headquarters based in Berlin, Germany and subsidiaries in the […]
By Jennifer Gibson, DrBicuspid.com June 29, 2015 — You’ve been named in a malpractice lawsuit. Your mind starts racing with a dozen questions to which you have no answers. Your stomach feels like it’s in your throat. What do you do first? Who do you turn to for help? This column provides an overview of […]
Gabrielle Parkinson, Executive Coach Being mindful of what you are doing right now and/or what you are focused on at the moment is perhaps that first step in making minor shifts and changes that can have a significant impact on reducing your level of stress. And it all starts with pulling yourself into the present […]
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The New Rules: Working Well with Administration
By Deb McClanahan Principal, BroadBand HR Consulting It used to be that you were the master of your domain as a surgeon. You got to make all of the decisions about how, why, what, and where surgery was practiced. Now, there are lots of new rules implemented that impact the how and why – and […]
By Hilliard Jason, MD, EdD (as interviewed by Sarah Sherwood, M.A.) SS: Thanks for agreeing to this interview, Dr. Jason. To begin, are there some generalities you want to share with us? What aspects of communication are important for having a clinical practice that achieves high standards? HJ: Thanks, Sarah. Please call me Hill. Since […]