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    Debunking five myths about minilaparoscopy

    By Alice Goodman NEW YORK – The next big advance in gynecologic minimally invasive surgery could be the wider adoption of minilaparoscopy using newer, frictionless instruments. Minilaparoscopy is commonly used in cholecystectomy, but is making inroads in gynecology. Minilaparoscopy performed with the newer, smaller instruments is especially well suited for fertility procedures and endometriosis surgery, […]

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    White board in the OR adds a layer of safety

    By Alice Goodman At Minimally Invasive Surgery Week NEW YORK – Displaying a low-tech, low-cost white board in the operating room during the “time out” before surgery can significantly improve memory retention among members of the surgical team, a new study suggests. “We found that providing a white board that you can buy at any […]

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